Samantha G
"The autumn chill that wakes me up, I love the amber skies so much"
- 2,000 TOTAL
participant impact
UP TO84pounds of CO2have been saved
UP TO1,120minutesnot spent in front of a screen
UP TO55plastic containersnot sent to the landfill
UP TO1.0waste auditconducted
UP TO13poundswaste composted
UP TO450gallons of waterhave been saved
UP TO1,885minutesspent exercising
UP TO91more servingsof fruits and vegetables
UP TO2.0hoursvolunteered
UP TO5.0conversationswith people
UP TO2.0community eventshosted or attended
UP TO357minutesspent outdoors
UP TO155minutesspent learning
Samantha's actions
Joyful Movement
I will spend 20 minutes doing an activity where I'm both moving my body and enjoying myself.
Exercise Daily
Exercise is a great stress blaster! I will exercise for 15 minute(s) each day.
Engage In Active Listening
I will practice actively listening to a friend, family member, co-worker, acquaintance, or someone who I may disagree with in at least 3 conversations.
Reduce refined sugar
I will keep track and reduce my consumption of refined sugars, including sweetened beverages, candy, and processed foods.
Use Reusable Bags
If at all possible, I will not accept any disposable bags when making purchases.
Try a New Way to Prep
I will try a new method of food preparation, such as canning, pickling, or baking bread.
Stay on the Ground
Instead of traveling by plane, I will find an alternative way to accomplish the goals of an upcoming trip (i.e. telepresence, vacation locally).
Support Local Pollinators
At least 30% of crops and 90% of flowering plants rely on pollinators to produce fruit. I will spend 45 minutes researching which plants support local native pollinators and plant some in my yard or local community garden.
Host A Watch Party
I will host a watch party to screen a documentary about an issue that matters to me.
Use an Energy Meter
I will use an energy meter to monitor my energy use and identify opportunities to save power.
Insulate Water Pipes and Water Heater
I will avoid wasting water while waiting for the shower or sink to heat up.
Personal Waste Audit
I will collect all of my unrecyclable, non-compostable trash to raise my awareness of how much I send to the landfill.
Launch a Recycling Program
I will start a recycling program at my workplace, dorm, or elsewhere on campus.
Audit Toxic Cleaning Products
I will spend 30 minutes researching toxic chemicals found in cleaning supplies and personal care products and remove them from my home or dorm room.
Choose Clean/Renewable Energy
I will sign up for my utility company's clean/renewable energy option.
Limit Social Media
I will limit my social media use to once each day reducing my daily use by 30 minute(s)
Compost Food Waste
I will avoid sending up to .42 lbs (.19 kg) of food waste to the landfill each day by composting my food or learning how to.
Power Down the Computer
I will power down my computer and monitor when not using it for more than 2 hours, saving up to (1.1) lbs of CO2 each day that I do this.
Mulch the Base of Trees and Plants
I will prevent water runoff and increase absorbency by mulching the base of plants and trees at my home or work.
Leave No Trace
I will practice the seven principles of Leave No Trace when doing nature activities alone or with family and friends.
Eco-friendly Gardening
I will plant native species, landscape with water-efficient plants, and use eco-friendly fertilizers.
Join An Outdoor Project
I will join an outdoor restoration project in my community while observing best practices in my region for not spreading COVID-19.
Install a Low-Flow Showerhead
I will save up to 15 gal (56 L) of water a day or 450 gal (1,680 L) a month by installing a low-flow showerhead.
More Fruits and Veggies
I will eat a heart healthy diet by adding 3 cup(s) of fruits and vegetables each day to achieve at least 4 cups per day.
Spend Time Outside
I will replace 5 minute(s) each day typically spent inside (computer time, watching television, etc.) with quality time outside.
Participant Feed
Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.
To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?
Samantha G 10/31/2024 9:31 AMWow! It's the final day of our challenge! I think we've had an amazing impact - so great to see so many UFV folks participating! Go team! 🎉🥳-
Korina Gratton 10/31/2024 1:29 PMUFV is such an awesome team! It would be nice to have mini teams within the whole UFV team, so we could see how different departments do
Samantha G 10/30/2024 9:09 AMThe sun is starting to rise later and later, which means that I'm getting to work either as the sun is rising, or just before. I looked out the window and I managed to catch part of the sunrise through the trees this morning - the colours were spectacular! -
Samantha G 10/29/2024 8:55 AMLooks like decent fall weather today! Planning on going for a walk later to take advantage of the weather while it's still nice! -
Samantha G 10/28/2024 3:01 PMYesterday I made applesauce from all of the bruised and older apples that I didn't want to eat that I had sitting in my fridge. The applesauce turned out delicious, and it turned out to be a bigger batch than I expected! 🍎-
Alex Matthews 10/29/2024 7:32 AMThat’s awesome!!
Samantha G 10/27/2024 9:39 AMI can't believe how fast this challenge has gone, and how fast October has flown by! Hard to believe that November is on Friday!-
Ashley Hunter 10/27/2024 11:03 PMI know!!!! Next thing you know it's Christmas
Samantha G 10/25/2024 9:32 AMIt's sweater weather AND scarf weather today! 🧣 Crisp and windy! 🍂 Might be time to bring out my gloves and toque! -
Samantha G 10/24/2024 10:19 AMWent for a walk with my colleague yesterday after a few weeks of not going together (we always try to a couple times a week). It was nice that our schedules finally aligned! While it's nice to walk alone, it's always much nicer with someone else (and you can keep a better pace with someone else too)!!-
Ashley Hunter 10/25/2024 9:13 AMSometimes my colleagues and I will have a meeting to discuss things upcoming, and instead of sitting in a board room, we will go for a walk around campus. It kills two birds with one stone, and gets more accomplished -
Korina Gratton 10/24/2024 1:22 PMIt's always nice to spend time with a colleague! And finding time to also spend time outside or exercise is bonus. -
Micaela Gates 10/24/2024 10:56 AMThat sounds like such a lovely way to bond and spend some time outside!
Samantha G 10/23/2024 8:55 AMWalked to work this morning! It's getting cooler in the mornings now, so the walk in was refreshing! Planning on talking a walk sometime later today, and then walking home. Getting exercise and getting outside! -
REFLECTION QUESTIONHealth Audit Toxic Cleaning ProductsTo what extent do environmental factors contribute to your own health or issues with health?
Samantha G 10/22/2024 9:10 AMI think there are so many different factors that affect everyone differently. I've noticed that bright lighting and staring at a computer screen is starting to affect me - I use the night light filters on my computer, keep rooms dark/wear sunglasses when I'm outside. I also notice that air quality can bother me, especially during forest fire season, but also vape/cigarette smoke, and really strong cologne/fragrances are especially bothersome.-
Korina Gratton 10/23/2024 2:55 PMI also have my computer (and phone) set to dark mode. But then I get blinded the few times I have to switch back to regular mode. How are you dealing with the strong scents?
Samantha G 10/22/2024 8:47 AMAfter several days of rain, the sun has made an appearance! 🌤️ Planning on getting outside today to enjoy it while it's here!-
Alex Matthews 10/22/2024 11:29 AMYay!