Finn Griffiths
- 620 TOTAL
participant impact
UP TO41meatless or vegan mealsconsumed
UP TO29organic mealsconsumed
UP TO48milestraveled by foot
UP TO57milestraveled by bus
UP TO105milesnot traveled by car
UP TO194pounds of CO2have been saved
UP TO53plastic bottlesnot sent to the landfill
UP TO1,046minutesspent exercising
UP TO562minutesof additional sleep
UP TO42conversationswith people
UP TO248minutesspent outdoors
Finn's actions
Choose Organic Ingredients
I will enjoy 1 meal(s) cooked with organic ingredients each day.
Healthy Sleep
Effectively working for sustainability requires self care! I will commit to getting 7 more minute(s) of sleep each night to achieve at least 7 hours per night.
Reduce Animal Products
I will enjoy 2 meatless meal(s) and/or 2 vegan meal(s) each day this week.
Use a Reusable Water Bottle
I will keep 3 disposable plastic bottle(s) from entering the waste stream by using a reusable water bottle.
Walk Instead
I will walk 3 mile(s) each day instead of driving and avoid sending up to (___) lbs of CO2 into Earth's atmosphere.
Exercise Daily
Exercise is a great stress blaster! I will exercise for 60 minute(s) each day.
Turn it off
I will keep lights, electronics, and appliances turned off when not using them.
Go for a Daily Walk
I will take a 15-minute walk outside each day.
Use Public Transit
I will use public transit 4 mile(s) each day and avoid sending up to (___) lbs of CO2 into Earth's atmosphere.
Talk To My Friends and Classmates
I will decide which social or environmental issue in my community is most important to me and tell 3 friends and/or classmates each day about the issue.
Participant Feed
Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.
To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?
Finn Griffiths 12/03/2024 4:54 PMI ate a vegan meal today was yummy -
Finn Griffiths 12/03/2024 4:53 PMDid A BIG hike today and did not by any plastic bottels -
Finn Griffiths 12/03/2024 4:49 PMVery good I just need to post more -
Finn Griffiths 11/14/2024 4:58 PMhey this is the comment for today :) -
Finn Griffiths 11/14/2024 4:57 PMhey this is the comment for today :) -
Finn Griffiths 11/14/2024 4:56 PMhey this is the comment for today :) -
REFLECTION QUESTIONWasteWhile water bottles are needed for health and safety in certain places, we can do more to reduce the unnecessary use of them. What are the barriers to you using reusable bottles and tap water instead of bottled water? How could you make this a permanent habit?
Finn Griffiths 10/26/2024 4:00 PMSome barriers to using reusable bottles and tap water instead of bottled water include convenience, access to clean tap water, and sometimes forgetting to bring a bottle when I go out. To make using a reusable bottle a permanent habit, I could keep one in my bag or car to ensure I always have it on hand. Setting reminders on my phone to fill it up before leaving home or using a filter for tap water can also help. Educating myself about the environmental benefits of reducing plastic waste would further motivate me to make this switch. -
REFLECTION QUESTIONTransportationHalf of all trips made in the US are three miles or less; 72% of them are driven. Does this statistic describe your own transportation habits? If so, how might you incorporate more muscle-powered transportation in your daily life?
Finn Griffiths 10/26/2024 3:59 PMYes, this statistic reflects my transportation habits, as I often drive short distances. To incorporate more muscle-powered transportation, I could walk or bike for trips under three miles. Choosing these options not only promotes physical activity but also reduces my carbon footprint. I could plan my routes to include walking or biking to nearby places, like the store or campus, making it a more regular part of my daily routine. -
REFLECTION QUESTIONTransportationThe US spends roughly 20% of its federal budget on defense. In contrast, 2% goes to education, 20% goes to social security and just 3% goes to transportation infrastructure. Do these numbers surprise you at all? Why or why not? How would you adjust them if you could?
Finn Griffiths 10/26/2024 3:59 PMThe spending numbers are surprising, as the heavy focus on defense over education and infrastructure indicates priorities that may not support long-term growth. I believe increasing investment in education and transportation could yield greater benefits for society. If I could adjust the budget, I would reallocate some defense funds to strengthen these crucial areas for sustainable development. -
REFLECTION QUESTIONNatureHow do you experience your neighborhood or city differently when walking instead of driving?
Finn Griffiths 10/26/2024 3:58 PMWalking through my neighborhood or city allows me to experience it more intimately than driving. I can notice small details, like local shops, street art, and community gardens, which I might miss from a car. It gives me a better sense of the area's vibe and helps me connect with the community. I also appreciate the sights, sounds, and smells that come with being on foot. Walking allows for spontaneous interactions with neighbors and a more relaxed pace, making me feel more grounded and aware of my surroundings.