Tyler Herzog
"just do it."
- 2,005 TOTAL
participant impact
UP TO113organic mealsconsumed
UP TO80plastic bottlesnot sent to the landfill
UP TO32plastic containersnot sent to the landfill
UP TO300gallons of waterhave been saved
UP TO976minutesof additional sleep
UP TO4.0conversationswith people
UP TO375minutesspent outdoors
Tyler's actions
Use Reusable Bags
If at all possible, I will not accept any disposable bags when making purchases.
Healthy Sleep
Effectively working for sustainability requires self care! I will commit to getting 60 more minute(s) of sleep each night to achieve at least 7 hours per night.
Conserve Toilet Water
I will save up to 12 gallons (45 L) of water a day by flushing only when necessary.
Turn it off
I will keep lights, electronics, and appliances turned off when not using them.
Engage In Active Listening
I will practice actively listening to a friend, family member, co-worker, acquaintance, or someone who I may disagree with in at least 4 conversations.
Use Reusable Bottles
I will use a reusable bottle and stop purchasing bottled water, saving 5 disposable plastic bottle(s) a day.
Enjoy the Sunrise/Sunset
I will enjoy the sunrise and/or sunset each day.
De-Clutter My Home or Dorm Room
I will de-clutter, clean, and donate or recycle unneeded items in my home or dorm room.
Conduct Virtual Meetings
I will not travel for meetings and will instead conduct them virtually.
Choose Organic Ingredients
I will enjoy 3 meal(s) cooked with organic ingredients each day.
Participant Feed
Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.
To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?
REFLECTION QUESTIONFood Choose Organic IngredientsMany people say that “you can’t feed the world with just organic food.” How would you respond to that statement?
Tyler Herzog 9/27/2024 11:47 AMThe PLNU caf is hard to get organic meals from, but we make it work. -
Tyler Herzog 9/24/2024 11:53 AMWatching the sunset is so easy being here at PLNU!