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Watch the short video below to learn the basics.
You'll be an Campus Ecochallenge expert in no time!
"My mission statement is to stay committed throughout the 10 weeks not only to benefit myself, but everything around me. "
I will enjoy 1 meal(s) cooked with organic ingredients each day.
I will keep 3 disposable plastic bottle(s) from entering the waste stream by using a reusable water bottle.
I will eat a heart healthy diet by adding 2 cup(s) of fruits and vegetables each day to achieve at least 4 cups per day.
I will sign up for a car-sharing service or organize car sharing with my neighbors or classmates to cut down on the number of vehicles on the road.
I will offer to help 2 person(s) who are in need each day.
I will enjoy the sunrise and/or sunset each day.
I will replace 15 minute(s) of screen time each day with other activities.
I will practice actively listening to a friend, family member, co-worker, acquaintance, or someone who I may disagree with in at least 2 conversations.
An estimated 71% of seabirds and 30% of turtles have been found with plastics in their stomachs. When they ingest plastic, marine life has a 50% mortality rate. By asking for no straw when placing a drink order, I will keep 3 plastic straw(s) of out of the ocean each day.
Effectively working for sustainability requires self care! I will commit to getting 15 more minute(s) of sleep each night to achieve at least 7 hours per night.
I will take a 15-minute walk outside each day.
I will keep lights, electronics, and appliances turned off when not using them.
Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.
To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?