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Colin Naldoza's avatar

Colin Naldoza

capstone spring 2024


  • 0 TODAY
  • 11 TOTAL

Colin's actions


Weekly Meal Planning

I will reduce food waste and save money by planning a weekly menu, only buying the ingredients I need.



Needs Vs. Wants

I will adopt a "Needs Vs. Wants" approach and only buy things I need.



More Fruits and Veggies

I will eat a heart healthy diet by adding 2 cup(s) of fruits and vegetables each day to achieve at least 4 cups per day.



Tend a Garden

I will tend to a garden, or prepare for one, each day using sustainable gardening practices.



Use Public Transit

I will use public transit 2 mile(s) each day and avoid sending up to (___) lbs of CO2 into Earth's atmosphere.



Engage In Active Listening

I will practice actively listening to a friend, family member, co-worker, acquaintance, or someone who I may disagree with in at least 3 conversations.



Use Reusable Bottles

I will use a reusable bottle and stop purchasing bottled water, saving 3 disposable plastic bottle(s) a day.



Heat and Cool Naturally

I will naturally heat and cool my house, office, or dorm room by opening or closing my windows, curtains, and blinds, and by using fans.



Reduce Single-Use Disposables

Cheap, single-use items and disposable packaging end up blowing around as litter more often in poor and POC-majority neighborhoods. I will find out how I can limit single-use items and do my best to limit the waste I generate.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Colin Naldoza's avatar
    Colin Naldoza 6/06/2024 6:56 PM
    For week three's eco challenge on food, I decided to take a closer look at my meal prepping habits and seeing if I could improve upon it. Before, I would make one meal prep item for a whole week. I found some flaws in this plan since I would get tired of eating the same meal each day and would buy frozen or takeout food. The solution that I have come up with is adding variety and making at least two meals. I would also make it so there could be variation with at least one of the meals and having different sides.

  • Colin Naldoza's avatar
    Colin Naldoza 6/06/2024 4:49 PM
    For this eco challenge, I decided to take on eating more servings of fruits and vegetables and for simplicity, buying things I need vs what I want. Since strawberries are in season I am serving my addicting and eating them liberally. As for vegetables, I bought a different variety of carrots, celery, lettuce, and bell peppers. I am not the biggest fan of vegetables so I try to pair them with things like peanut butter or hummus when I am snacking. For simplicity, this challenge paired well with my eco change project of reducing plastic waste at grocery stores. This was especially hard to do when grocery shopping because I usually look out for certain snacks. I am realizing more and more that I do not really need certain things and I could benefit from foods that provide protein or nutrients.

  • Colin Naldoza's avatar
    Colin Naldoza 5/28/2024 7:31 PM
    For this week, I planned to work on my uncle's farm and plant tomatoes in my family's backyard. Gardening can be hard work, especially when you are first starting a project or planting something. In my case, the ground needed to be dug up, tilled, and fertilized. After the hard work was done there was more fun stuff to do like planting and watering. It was very satisfying to give tomato plants a new home :)

  • Colin Naldoza's avatar
    Colin Naldoza 5/20/2024 5:53 PM
    In this week's transportation eco challenge, I decided to start taking the bus more. I usually avoid taking the bus places and either drive or ask a friend to drive with me somewhere. I typically take the MAX lines for longer distances and try to avoid the bus. However, using the bus for greater distances has actually been my preferred method. If I need to get around places frequently in a day, I will usually get the day pass. One tap gives you about 2.5 hours and I can sometimes get to reuse my ticket in time for a second bus ride. For me, buses are also a better experience for traveling than MAX.

  • Colin Naldoza's avatar
    Colin Naldoza 5/15/2024 11:43 AM
    For this week's community ecochallenge, I decided to focus on active listening. I have noticed that in both my personal and larger communities, there can sometimes be a disconnect between people who disagree with each other. Instead of focusing on resolving an issue, people are sometimes quick to dismiss one another without considering other points of view. There is also a tendency to come out of a conflict as the winner or being right. I feel like it should be more about exchanging ideas and sustaining relationships. I am already someone who tends to listen rather than speak but I notice more things when I am actively listening. It allows me to come up with more thoughtful responses rather than keeping things surface-level. I also notice that those who talk more than listen catch on to my process of active listening and they try to match me.

  • Colin Naldoza's avatar
    Colin Naldoza 5/05/2024 7:52 PM
    This week, I planned to reduce the amount of plastic waste by avoiding plastic bottled water/soda. Some steps I have taken for this is buying a Brita pitcher. I used to buy bottled water and seltzer, which was more convenient for me. However, I find this to be incredibly wasteful. Buying a Brita pitcher along with the filters is a little bit of an investment, but I have been saving money over time. The next step for me is to move away from soda and seltzer. Since I learned that even seltzer is not good for your teeth, I have been buying less of it. Sticking to water is probably the best choice financially and for my health. I am still generating waste from using a Brita pitcher so any recommendations would be appreciated.

  • Colin Naldoza's avatar
    Colin Naldoza 4/21/2024 7:09 PM
    The building I live in can get very warm, even in the winter time. Because of this, I tend to avoid using the heater. When I do get cold, I shut the windows and maybe put on a sweater. Although getting cold is rarely a problem, it can get quite hot at times. Luckily, I have a box fan so I can use that to get fresh air circulating. I am worried about this summer because of recent heat waves in Portland. I may need to insulate my room by closing the windows and using curtains in the morning and letting in fresh air at night.

  • Colin Naldoza's avatar
    Colin Naldoza 4/14/2024 2:59 PM
    For this week, I focused on reducing plastic waste in the produce section of grocery stores. I realized that I did not have any paper bags or small reusable bags to put my produce in. Instead, I used one reusable grocery bag to fit all my produce in. For some reason, I thought that putting fruits and vegetables in plastic bags was required and I never had a second thought about it. I also used plastic to keep my produce clean from when I checkout to when I get home. After I use the produce, the plastic gets thrown away. My experience with using a reusable bag to put my produce in had avoided using any single-use plastics. The only other thing I needed to figure out was how to keep the produce fresh. I opted for using paper bags or hand towels to cover the produce, which still needs further optimizing on my part. This eco challenge was very easy to do and just needed a reusable bag and awareness of plastic waste.

    • Ashlynn Martorello's avatar
      Ashlynn Martorello 4/15/2024 9:54 PM
      It is great that using reusable bags is beneficial for the environment. I work as a courtesy clerk at a grocery store and whenever I see customers use their reusable bags/ bags that were previously brought home, I feel that it does help the store save up bags for another who doesn't have any at all. But I feel my store should focus more on using totes only, but it may not happen because of production costs and lack of resources. But it would be the best solution out there.

    • Jan Semerak's avatar
      Jan Semerak 4/14/2024 3:21 PM
      Hey Colin,
      Nice work skipping the plastic bags! It's such a simple change, but it makes a big difference. I like the idea of using paper bags and towels is smart. Got to keep that produce fresh! Thanks for the inspiration to cut down on waste. Keep it going!