Caley Nell
- 10 TOTAL
Caley's actions
Find Local Recycling Depots
I will find out where to recycle the recyclable items that I can't put in recycling dumpsters or my curbside bin.
Reducing Food Waste
Indigenous people always respect the life and spirit of the plants and animals that they harvest or hunt; therefore, they ensure they use every part of their resources so there is no waste or disrespect of that life that was lost for their benefit. When I lived at home, there was very little to no food waste because we would eat till satisfied and store the rest as leftovers another day. However, I have noticed that I have wasted more food now that I'm in college and eat in a cafeteria with more selection and freedom. The contributing reasons to this are that I can only sometimes serve myself the proportion size that I need, wanting to try new food that I couldn't when at home, and in the beginning, there was the newness of the food type and vast selection that led to my eyes being bigger than my stomach. When brainstorming what I could do to combat the conflicts mentioned previously, this is what came to mind: I will ask for just a little of something, especially if it is something new that I want to try so that if I don't like it, it is less waste; if I'm not very hungry but need to use a meal swipe, I will get a taco, salad or bakery item since they aren't as filling. Reducing food waste also reduces the amount of CO2 emitted into the air. As we learned, CO2 and other greenhouse gases are causing climate change.
Participant Feed
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