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Mirenne Perry's avatar

Mirenne Perry

amy minato


  • 0 TODAY
  • 346 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    food waste prevented
  • UP TO
    pounds of CO2
    have been saved
  • UP TO
    gallons of water
    have been saved

Mirenne's actions


Support A Sharing Economy

I will create or support a sharing economy with family, friends, neighbors, or classmates.



5-Minute Showers

I will save up to 20 gallons (75 L) of water each day by taking 5-minute showers.



Weekly Meal Planning

I will reduce food waste and save money by planning a weekly menu, only buying the ingredients I need.



Adjust the Thermostat

I will adjust my thermostat down 2 degrees from usual when I use the heat, and up 2 degrees when I use air conditioning.



Turn it off

I will keep lights, electronics, and appliances turned off when not using them.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Mirenne Perry's avatar
    Mirenne Perry 3/18/2024 6:08 PM
    For eco challenge 7, on consumerism, I decided to reflect on my own consumption and be more thoughtful of when and where I spend my money. Every time I've thought about buying something, I'll try to reflect on it - do I need this thing? Did I need this before I walked into the store, or do I just feel like I need it now that its in front of me? Is there another/more sustainable way of getting this thing? Is this worth my money? Will it last a long time? Would I buy it if it weren't on sale? How often am I going to use this? Running myself through these questions is definitely helpful for reducing how much I consume, and just making sure I spend my money on things that are worth it. I also try to do something similar with ads/marketing - is this something I actually want, or am I just being told I want it? I feel like in the world we live in we're taught to attach our identities to our stuff, when that just isn't the case. I am a human being, not just a collection of things that I own, and the things that I own are just things! I want to continue this habit, especially with clothing - I don't impulse buy things clothes often, but I do definitely own things that I bought and just wore once or twice.

    • Esteban Martinez's avatar
      Esteban Martinez 3/19/2024 4:06 PM
      I chose this challenge too. It not only is good for the environment but it also helps your bank account. 😅

  • Mirenne Perry's avatar
    Mirenne Perry 3/08/2024 3:54 PM
    Since we talked about our use of technology this week, I tried to cut down on how I use my phone. The biggest change I made was to not pull my phone out when I'm bored for more than .5 seconds, which I do just by habit at this point. When I'm waiting for the elevator, I'll pull my phone out and scroll rather than just sit for a few moments and relax. So I tried to take advantage of those moments instead, and I think I did notice a difference even after a few days of doing it. I'd let my mind wander to mundane stuff like the chores I have to do when I get home, what I need to grab at the grocery store, what I should get my mom for her birthday - I think we're not allowing ourselves these moments to just stop and think when we have a source of constant stimulation in our pockets all the time. I saw something a few days ago about how boredom is actually really beneficial for you and your mental health, so I'm going to try to appreciate that and let myself be bored a little more often.

  • Mirenne Perry's avatar
    Mirenne Perry 2/24/2024 12:42 PM
    I wasn't sure what to do for my eco challenge this week, as I don't have a car and walk or take public transit pretty much everywhere. But while I was contemplating what to do, one of my favorite video essayists posted a youtube video called "Why We Can’t Build Better Cities". It's an hour long, but I would really recommend it - it covers topics like city planning, gentrification, and backlash against the idea of 15 minute cities. The beginning of the video goes into detail about suburban areas, and how they are financially insoluble; they have a low value per acre but a very high cost per acre, and are subsidized by walkable places, even impoverished ones. Car-dependent areas cost more money to support them than they generate in tax revenue, while high-density areas are more financially sustainable. So more places are trying to urbanize these more car dependent areas, and one way to do that is to support public transportation.
    15 minute cities are becoming a more and more popular idea - a city where everything you need is within a 15 minute walk (or transit ride.) Many people have be vehemently opposed to this idea, with a lot of right-wing conspiracies claiming that they are a tool for government surveillance, that they're restrictive of personal freedoms, even that they're an attempt to enslave the population. The essayist then explains the concept of phantasms, which she explains more thoroughly in the video but are basically a projection of an anxiety when an actual solution is uncomfortable to think about. The notion that our car-dependent country is unsustainable, that we need to reconstruct our cities and places to serve people and not businesses, that the way many people have learned to live their lives cannot be sustained in the long-term is deeply unsettling; so instead of confronting this uncomfortable truth, people lash out against the idea that would positively impact everyone (including themselves).
    I've always thought public transportation is such an important element of modern life, and wondered why there are so many people opposed to it, why it's so often underfunded and under-utilized, why something that benefits everybody can be looked down upon by so many people; this video answered a lot of those questions. Cutting down on the amount of people who use cars on a regular basis would have such a beneficial impact on the environment, and this video analyzes the problem from a sociological point of view. If we build our places to be less reliant on cars, we can encourage more people to utilize public transit or to just walk.

    • Maranda Simpson's avatar
      Maranda Simpson 2/24/2024 1:19 PM
      Hi, Mirenne!
      I absolutely adore the 15 minute cities idea! I grew up in Beaverton, which is surprisingly a much more walkable community than Portland. I could walk or bus to work, the store, my high school and also to several local owned shops/cafes around the area. I got so much exercise during the summer and spent a lot more time outdoors than I do now, living in Portland. I live right off a major highway, so there really isn't a safe place to do as much walking here- as well as a lack of things to walk to.

  • Mirenne Perry's avatar
    Mirenne Perry 2/17/2024 2:37 PM
    This week was about community, so I did the eco challenge about supporting a sharing economy. I asked some of my friends if they wanted to do some kind of group sharing event, and we all met up at my friends apartment and brought things we thought everyone else might want. I had a few shirts I never wear, an old backpack, and I made dinner for everyone. None of us really had that many things that we didn't need, but we all tried to bring at least one thing to share that someone else could use. It was a lot of fun, and anything we didn't swap we decided to just donate to goodwill. I think checking with your friends and family to see if they want something first is a good idea, because stores like goodwill get so many donations that a lot of stuff just ends up getting thrown out. I'd rather know it's going to my friends who will use it, rather than going to a store where it might get thrown out or sold. I would really like to do something like this again in the future, either with my friends again or with my family.

    • Eva Tomlinson's avatar
      Eva Tomlinson 2/17/2024 8:48 PM
      This is really cool! It sounds like a fun experience as well as something that can benefit the environment.

    • Maranda Simpson's avatar
      Maranda Simpson 2/17/2024 5:55 PM
      Hey, Mirenne!
      That sounds so fun! My friend group meets up for DnD and when we do we often share food by doing a potluck sort of situation- I wonder if I could encourage them to bring things to trade as well! I will have to try that, soon.

  • Mirenne Perry's avatar
    Mirenne Perry 2/10/2024 2:59 PM
    This week, I challenged myself to take shorter showers. I don't normally time myself in the shower, but this week I tried to be really conscious of the water I was using and take as little time as possible. I almost always listen to music in the shower, so to keep aware of how long I was taking I would pay attention to how many songs long my showers were. I think just the act of being aware of how much time I was taking made me get out of the shower quicker. I think this is one of those challenges that anyone can do - a little thing you can do every day that has a big impact over time. If a 10-minute shower is 20 gallons of water, if you cut that time in half every day you'll be saving 10 gallons of water daily. That number really adds up over time.

    • Maranda Simpson's avatar
      Maranda Simpson 2/10/2024 6:48 PM
      Hi, Mirenne!
      There are many sacrifices I find easy to make for the sake of sustainability- taking shorter and/or cold showers are not one of those. I struggle to get out of the shower most times, using music to keep track is a really smart idea, though!!

    • Eva Tomlinson's avatar
      Eva Tomlinson 2/10/2024 5:03 PM
      I did the same challenge this week and also timed it with music! If I listened to a song that was 5 minutes I could have an idea of how much time had passed based on that.

  • Mirenne Perry's avatar
    Mirenne Perry 2/04/2024 12:04 PM
    This week I tried meal planning - I usually have some kind of loose idea of what I'll be eating over the week, but this week I tried to be more thorough and intentional when thinking of my food and shopping. I think the main challenge for me is estimating how many servings of something I might have, which can make it difficult to plan around. But that is definitely something I can get better at over time. I plan on creating a meal plan for my eco change project, so this was really good practice for that! I think this is a really good habit to have, because you not only can save money on groceries, but I think it saves time to figure out what you're going to eat one time a week rather than having to think about it every single day.

    • Alex Crowe's avatar
      Alex Crowe 2/04/2024 7:17 PM
      Hey Mirenne! I also did meal planning for my ecochallenge. I definitely agree estimating the amount of servings you'll need for the week is one of the most challenging aspects of meal planning. I tend to make more servings than I need, so I've been trying include leftovers in my meal plan. Good luck on your eco project!

  • Mirenne Perry's avatar
    Mirenne Perry 1/27/2024 8:37 PM
    This week I challenged myself to make sure all of the lights were off in my house when not using them. It was a bit of a challenge at first; a lot of the time I'll leave a lamp on when I'm not in the room, so I had to keep doubling back and making sure everything was actually off. But once I got the hang of it it was really easy - I'm not in the room anyways, so there's no reason not to. I've picked up the habit so I do think this will be something I keep doing after this week.

    • Blake Turner's avatar
      Blake Turner 1/28/2024 3:54 PM
      I remember learning to do this, it is surprising how often you can forget that you left a light on. It seems silly, but sometimes it can be a pain when your hands are full or 'you'll be right back'. This had a big impact with incandescent lighting, but I'm curious if it is still relevant with modern LED lighting. Every little bit helps of course!