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capstone Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Makenzie Brundage's avatar
    Makenzie Brundage 3/12/2025 10:23 PM
    This week I chose to exercise like some of my other classmates, due to this beautiful weather we were having! I hiked around Mount Vista with my partner, where we walked the WSU trail through Salmon Creek. While I didn't see any wildlife other than wild rabbits this time around, once we saw two young bucks only about 20 feet away form us. They were eating from bushes and rubbing their growing antlers (horns?) against a tree. It was really beautiful to see, and they didn't seem to notice us at all. It was a very nice moment where I got to feel like a part of nature, rather than someone invading the area. This time around, we heard plenty of birds and got to have our dog play in the creek. We also had the chance to speak with some other hikers and bond a little with the surrounding neighborhood. Because of our hike last week, my roommate and I will be hiking a lot more this summer, which is exciting!

  • Zoey Krenk's avatar
    Zoey Krenk 3/10/2025 9:30 AM
    This week I chose to up my exercise. I went on a couple of hikes last week, including the hobbit trail in Florence. I went with some friends that I hadn't seen in a while. It felt great to catch up with them, but the next day definitely showed me just how out of shape I was. I think I will try to keep up a bi weekly hike for the rest of this school year. Graphic design can mean long stints of sitting in front of a computer moving shapes around, but I should break up my work with outside time. I could use this as an opportunity to get back into nature photography. I finally got my cameras out from the attic so I have no excuse!

    • Amy Minato's avatar
      Amy Minato 3/11/2025 12:51 PM
      I love the hobbit trail! My good friends' daughter got engaged there.
      There are a ton of great hikes near Portland too. Forest Park is amazing.

  • paige Herkemij's avatar
    paige Herkemij 3/09/2025 7:52 PM
    This week I focused on something from the simplicities actions, I chose to declutter. I am moving in the next few months and it is too expensive to bring everything with me, so I thought this is the perfect excuse to really go through all of my things. I found that I keep way to many things because they are "sentimental" to me, when they really should just be donated or thrown away. A lot of the things I tend to keep are silly like receipts from trips or tickets for movies, actual trash that I should just let go of lol. I have decided to sell a ton of stuff on Facebook marketplace. Although some of the stuff is maybe only worth a few dollars, I can still put the money I make to moving costs. Maybe I can post a few of the things to the class as I have to get rid of everything I own aside from my clothes and shoes. This will be a great test to see if I can let go of my materialistic ways :)

    • Amy Minato's avatar
      Amy Minato 3/11/2025 12:50 PM
      You are welcome to use this site to post stuff until it ends next week.

  • Elex Peyote Otero's avatar
    Elex Peyote Otero 3/09/2025 6:27 PM
    This week, I’ve been thinking more about my Eco-Change project and how I want to approach it. Making meals and baked goods from scratch has been fulfilling on many levels, so I decided to expand on that experience. I want to dive deeper into using all-natural, eco-friendly, and organic products, and a great way to do this is by making my own body care items. It feels good knowing exactly what goes into the products I use daily. Plus, it’s cheaper and better for the environment since I can reuse ingredients multiple times and support local businesses by buying locally made products. So far, I’ve made a body deodorant, face scrub, and toner. Next, I want to explore growing mushrooms and creating medicinal products and tinctures.

    • Amy Minato's avatar
      Amy Minato 3/11/2025 12:49 PM
      You can buy mushroom logs with spores innoculated into them..easy to grow! good for you making body products yourself. cuts down on plastic and saves money for sure

  • Kit Stauf's avatar
    Kit Stauf 3/09/2025 5:58 PM
    Unfortunately, these past few weeks I have been extremely occupied with work for various classes, and I haven't felt I had the time or energy to participate in an Ecochallenge. I'm aware there are options for lowkey nature Ecochallenges, such as gratitude journaling or just spending some time outside, but I've honestly been so tired and stressed that I had not made the effort to do so. This is disappointing for me because I do enjoy spending time in nature, and our trip to Tryon Creek this week reminded me of how long it has been since I have done so. With this in mind, I am going to try and plan a day either during finals week (I only have one final during that actual week) or spring break where I can take a short trip with family or a friend and enjoy nature together. If anyone has any suggestions on where I could visit I'd love to hear!

    • Zoey Krenk's avatar
      Zoey Krenk 3/10/2025 9:35 AM
      I would recommend hiking blue pool (Tamolitch Falls). The hike itself is about two hours and it is gorgeous. As a person who grew up in Oregon it is hard for nature to impress me. That area is just so pretty tho.

    • Amy Minato's avatar
      Amy Minato 3/11/2025 12:47 PM
      The coast is always so great of course, but the gorge will start to have blossoms soon!
      Silver Falls is amazing as well.

    • Kit Stauf's avatar
      Kit Stauf 3/11/2025 10:22 AM
      I have actually been to Blue Pool before! It really is pretty.

  • Pierre Kaptanian's avatar
    Pierre Kaptanian 3/08/2025 11:19 PM
    #8 NATURE

    This week I started walking around the neighborhood to get ready for the Tryon Creek hike and this eco-challenge. The walks were a little harrowing because there aren’t many sidewalks in my neck of the wood but, but because driving isn’t my cup of tea, I just keep on keeping on. I came back so refreshed that my partner started joining in. And guess what. We discovered a hidden nature area. Below the cemetery is an abandoned max station and reservoir!! Here’s a screenshot of the area and one of us out urban exploring all of what city nature has to offer! Definitely going to keep the daily walks, especially since stumbling into more car-free area I can read/hike in. Nature, health, and simple livin’. (Side note, I was partly inspired by Jay Walljapser’s article about sidewalks and walking culture).

    • Elex Peyote Otero's avatar
      Elex Peyote Otero 3/09/2025 6:36 PM
      It’s always a nice surprise to find hidden spots! Also, I am happy to hear your partner has started joining you. It honestly is a great way to bond. My partner and I say we are pro walkers because we can explore on foot for hours, and that’s actually how our friendship first started. I hope to be one of those elders who pass people up on the trails like it’s effortless lol.

    • Kit Stauf's avatar
      Kit Stauf 3/09/2025 5:49 PM
      That's so cool!! I love that you got started getting into nature ahead of our trip this past week. How exciting to discover something like that!

    • Amy Minato's avatar
      Amy Minato 3/11/2025 12:45 PM
      cool that you found a hidden nature area! i love to go on rambling walks where you discover new places and see things you wouldn't notice in a car

  • Max Power's avatar
    Max Power 3/08/2025 9:23 PM
    For this week's Eco Challenge, I decided to exercise daily for the week. I did 30 minutes of cardio every day this week, including running inside on the treadmill or outside when it wasn't raining. I choose to do the daily exercise because of the benefits I had from my last Eco Challenge, from walking my dog in nature daily. Along with getting exercise and feeling great afterwards, I really enjoyed the time I had to myself when exercising in the morning.

    The two biggest obstacles that I faced when running every morning were time management and getting up earlier than I'm used to. Some days it was easy to wake up early, but some days, especially when it was cold, it was hard to leave the bed. However, reflecting now completed with this challenge, I think the benefits outweighed the cons. This week, because of the exercise in the morning, I felt more present in class and mentally uplifted compared to normal.

    I think that even after this class ends, this is something that I will implement into my daily routine.

    • Kit Stauf's avatar
      Kit Stauf 3/09/2025 6:00 PM
      I'm not a morning person at all, but I love the days where I do end up awake in the early hours before many others are. The chilly morning air, soft morning light, and the quietness except for birds is so serene to me. I hope you get to enjoy those moments as well!

    • Pierre Kaptanian's avatar
      Pierre Kaptanian 3/09/2025 9:53 AM
      That's awesome Max, I'd bet running in the morning is really great for seeing a part of nature people normally miss when they're asleep! The sunrises are just gorgeous.

    • Amy Minato's avatar
      Amy Minato 3/11/2025 12:46 PM
      Running outside had been a lifeline for me in college. even in the rain!

  • Elex Peyote Otero's avatar
    Elex Peyote Otero 3/07/2025 2:46 PM
    This week, I started spring cleaning. Since material things consume energy, I have been decluttering mindfully. I don’t go to a full Marie Kondo level, but I like to check in with each item and ask how I resonate with it. I’ve noticed that I tend to hold onto things I no longer use, hoping to need them again someday. I save clothes with this mindset, even though I realize that some are not aligned with my current style. I also keep items because of the memories associated with them. I usually donate things because selling them feels like extra work. Lately, I’ve been critical of Goodwill and have been exploring other places to donate. One place I’ve donated clothes to in the past is Haven Rose, which helps women and children. I also give items to my neighbors, which has been fun because we exchange things. Some neighbors even have outdoor food pantries, little libraries, and designated spaces for larger items. I think it’s easy to get caught up in consumerism, but we must remember that there’s more to life than consumption, and I enjoy finding a balance by giving back.

    • Amy Minato's avatar
      Amy Minato 3/08/2025 11:57 AM
      Thanks for the heads-up on Haven Rose! PPS also has a clothes site at Marshall High School.
      its fun to think of someone you know who might fit into and appreciate a clothing item.

    • paige Herkemij's avatar
      paige Herkemij 3/09/2025 7:59 PM
      Thanks for the rec about Haven Rose, I have been needing a better place to donate things.

    • Elex Peyote Otero's avatar
      Elex Peyote Otero 3/08/2025 4:29 PM
      Hi Amy, I said the name backward. The organization is called Rose Haven! They are great, and you should check them out sometime. I'll look into the site you mentioned, and yes, I love gifting my past treasures to friends.

    • Pierre Kaptanian's avatar
      Pierre Kaptanian 3/09/2025 9:58 AM
      Thanks for the tip on Haven Rose! I've heard similar things about Goodwill and been looking for an alternative. That's great you're on good terms with your neighbors and they're receptive to an exchange program; that's harder than it looks. Unrelated, some friends from REI sell clothes and they got stores old mannequins and now their used clothes sell like hotcakes using the mannequins.

  • Elex Peyote Otero's avatar
    Elex Peyote Otero 3/07/2025 1:48 PM
    For the past two weeks, I have shifted my way of transportation and traveled by foot to campus. It’s a 1.5-hour commute, but I spaced it out to walking to school one day and then home the next. It definitely was a time commitment, but I mostly did it to exercise and save money on a bus ride. I don’t feel it is sustainable over time because it is a 4-mile walk, and my commute by foot used to be a 2.7-mile walk from my old house, so I did it more often when I lived there. I enjoyed the walk for the most part, and I got to listen to audiobooks and challenge my focus. I plan on continuing to walk to campus whenever I have extra time, especially now that the weather is warming up, and it’s nice to see and smell all the flowers in bloom.

    • Amy Minato's avatar
      Amy Minato 3/08/2025 11:58 AM
      wow Elex that is far! I'm glad the weather is cooperating
      Bikiing could be a good option?

  • Lex Lazo's avatar
    Lex Lazo 3/06/2025 11:09 PM
    For this week's challenge, I opted to go with less screen time, replacing at least two hours a day with other ways to spend my time. I have a bad habit of going on social media in my free time. I always end up staying online for much longer than I initially intended. Instead of going on social media, I decided to journal and go on walks. Since it's been sunny, I've been spending a lot of time outside. I brought a book to the dog park that isn't actually a dog park beside the SRTC. It was nice to sit in the sun. I also had to catch up on reading for my class so taking the time away from my phone was helpful in keeping me on task!

    • Elex Peyote Otero's avatar
      Elex Peyote Otero 3/09/2025 6:42 PM
      Having the discipline to not be on your phone is honestly so powerful. It's crazy how much more you can do and experience in the day! Lately, I have also been trying to do this, but it feels weird lately not to know what's going on politically. I think finding the balance key and I keep trying. Anyway, keep it up, and I love that you're journalling!

    • Amy Minato's avatar
      Amy Minato 3/08/2025 11:59 AM
      Good idea to go to a park tech free..also isnt it great to see some sun finally?

    • Pierre Kaptanian's avatar
      Pierre Kaptanian 3/09/2025 10:01 AM
      Love this, and though I'm writing this from a computer, am trying a lifestyle change around cell phone use. I got a used dumbphone last week, forwarded my smartphone calls and am just seeing what happens, so far so good.