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Clean Cliffs Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Water 5-Minute Showers
    Name some of the human activities impacting the health of water systems, both locally (your watershed) and globally (freshwater and oceans). What can you do to improve the health of water systems?

    Aubry Asche's avatar
    Aubry Asche 2/10/2024 9:18 AM
    Showering for five minutes is definitely a challenge for me. Doing this can help freshwater systems remain untouched, which is motivating for me.
    Simplicity Less Screen Time
    What did you notice in implementing this challenge? Was it hard to choose other activities over screen time? How did you decide to spend your time?

    Aubry Asche's avatar
    Aubry Asche 2/10/2024 9:16 AM
    This week I have challenged myself to keep my screen time under 60 minutes each day. This has allowed me to be more present in my life and my focus has improved. I usually have really low screen times since deleting social media, and have noticed that I never get bored anymore but am more content.
    Nature Enjoy the Sunrise/Sunset
    Father Thomas Berry says, "... our primary purpose is celebration. Celebration of the dawn and the sunset and the different seasons of the year is a religious ritual, a way in which humans can establish their integral relationship with the universe, with the planet Earth." What is your response to Berry's assertion?

    Aubry Asche's avatar
    Aubry Asche 2/07/2024 3:13 PM
    I like the importance that Father Thomas Berry places on the sunrise and sunset. These events offer us time to pause and enjoy the beautiful earth.
    Health Healthy Sleep
    Consider how many hours of sleep you get now. How would you like to shift your sleep patterns? What are you finding works for you to be successful in this action?

    Aubry Asche's avatar
    Aubry Asche 2/07/2024 2:56 PM
    I usually get about 8 hours of sleep. I am hoping to go to bed and wake up earlier on weekdays to be able to enjoy the sunrise. Getting lots of sleep helps me be a good student and friend.
    Community Help Others
    In your opinion, how do social inequalities diminish a strong sense of community?

    Aubry Asche's avatar
    Aubry Asche 2/07/2024 2:51 PM
    People always compare themselves with others, and people want to be around those that are similar to them. This is a part of human nature that we should work to diminish.
    Energy Turn it off
    How is electricity generated where you live? How does it impact the environment, animals, and humans?

    Aubry Asche's avatar
    Aubry Asche 2/07/2024 2:49 PM
    Apparently electricity primarily comes from natural gasses in California. There are many ways however, that California must use to sustain our huge population. These ways include coal powered, solar, and geothermal.
    Water Use Reusable Bottles
    What are some of the needs that water meets or benefits that water provides for you?

    Aubry Asche's avatar
    Aubry Asche 2/07/2024 8:37 AM
    I love water! Being around water is one of my biggest hobbies. Water also allows me to stay hydrated and clean!
    Water Brush My Teeth Without Running Water
    What is the main water source in your region? If you don't know, how could you find out?

    Aubry Asche's avatar
    Aubry Asche 2/07/2024 8:36 AM
    I think water primarily runns off the nearby mountains into streams where water is gathered. Man-made processes like the California Aquaduct and dams allow us to have enough water for everyone.
    Health Exercise Daily
    How can you incorporate other personal values (like quality time with friends or spending time in nature) into your exercise routine?

    Aubry Asche's avatar
    Aubry Asche 2/07/2024 8:34 AM
    Long walks are always a good way to build community while being active. Also attending classes can help us get moving with friends.
    Nature Spend Time Outside
    Rachel Carson said that we need the beauty and mysteries of the natural world for our spiritual and emotional development. Does that ring true for you? What are the implications for a culture that spends most of its time indoors?

    Aubry Asche's avatar
    Aubry Asche 2/07/2024 8:33 AM
    There are so many things we can learn from the outdoors. It is essential for us to connect with the environment because then will have a greater motivation to save it.