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Green N Gold's avatar
January 10 - May 10, 2024

Green N Gold

Point Loma Nazarene University


  • 0 TODAY
  • 5,137

team impact

  • UP TO
    organic meals
  • UP TO
    locally sourced meals
  • UP TO
    not spent in front of a screen
  • UP TO
    disposable cups
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
    gallons of water
    have been saved
  • UP TO
    spent exercising
  • UP TO
    spent outdoors

Team Feed

Recent updates from this team
  • April 10 at 9:01 AM
    Eco challenge is going great! I have been enjoying sharing it with my friends and family.
  • April 2 at 2:39 PM
    I think berry makes a great statement, because this is what God calls us to do. He wants us to love and enjoy the earth that He gave us. I find joy in the little things, the things we all experience but maybe dont take time to enjoy. Taking even just 5 minutes to admire the color of the sky before continuing on with my day, taking a moment to...
  • April 2 at 2:37 PM
    It can be hard to practice simplicity in a world that is constantly pushing things in our faces that they can sell to make our lives easier. I have used creativity to practice simplicity by reusing items where I can. For example, I reused old pasta, olive, and vegetable jars as flower vases for a brunch I hosted. This caused me to reuse items I...
  • March 25 at 1:46 PM
    This week I focused on only buying my food from farmers markets! It has been going great and encouraged me to eat fresher foods more often.
  • March 21 at 2:48 PM
    I had a very sustainably conscious day today! I ate only plant based foods, walked all the places I needed to go, took a 5 minute shower, and spent time outside working on my plants that I am growing for about 2 hours. It was very sunny outside so I did not need to turn on any lights today!
  • March 12 at 2:52 PM
    I have had so much fun sharing the campus ecochallenge with my friends and family!
  • March 12 at 2:50 PM
    I am really enjoying my campus ecochallenge! I have been improving this week at working to check in every single day. Some days I actually apply the ecochallenge and forget to log it, so that is how you know it is becoming a natural part of my every day routine!
  • February 12 at 10:46 AM
    This team competition is super fun!
  • February 2 at 11:27 PM
    Im loving doing this campus ecochallenge. I have even gotten some of my friends to join in !
  • February 1 at 2:32 PM
    The ecochallenge is going great! I am really enjoying challenging myself to be more eco friendly

4 Team Members

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