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Hawaii Five-0 Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Waste Tour A Waste Management Facility
    Field trip! What a fun way to learn about our impact and consumption! What facility did you tour? What did you learn?

    Tristin  Martinez's avatar
    Tristin Martinez 12/05/2024 5:44 PM
    I learned how to recycle and be more aware of what I use in the ocean
    Waste Tour A Waste Management Facility
    Field trip! What a fun way to learn about our impact and consumption! What facility did you tour? What did you learn?

    Kayleigh Mosher's avatar
    Kayleigh Mosher 12/05/2024 5:43 PM
    PRRF - Plastic Research & Recycling Facility. We learned about harmful plastics in the great pacific garbage patch.
    Nature Explore My Area
    How might spending more time outdoors enhance your brainpower?

    Evie Blomqvist's avatar
    Evie Blomqvist 12/05/2024 5:11 PM
    The fresh air with high oxygen and sunlight really works well for my health and brain
    Nature Join An Outdoor Project
    How well do you know the area you stay in -- whether your hometown or your campus community? In what ways is a deep knowledge of your surroundings -- known as a 'sense of place' -- important to you?

    Evie Blomqvist's avatar
    Evie Blomqvist 12/05/2024 5:10 PM
    It's always inteeresting to learn more about native plants and animals and how it has changed over the years
    Waste Tour A Waste Management Facility
    Field trip! What a fun way to learn about our impact and consumption! What facility did you tour? What did you learn?

    Evie Blomqvist's avatar
    Evie Blomqvist 12/05/2024 5:09 PM
    Really interesting to learn about a PRRF and especially about the logistics
    Community Host A Watch Party
    What did you learn about in the documentary you watched? How did it make you feel?

    Kayleigh Mosher's avatar
    Kayleigh Mosher 12/05/2024 5:08 PM
    Plastic in the oceans is contributing to the massive pollution problem in the world. It made me feel like I need to do better and be conscious of what I am consuming and recycling.
    Waste Use a Reusable Mug
    Maybe you've heard how good it is to switch from a single use coffee cup to a reusable one, but it's just hard to make the switch. What stands in your way of making this a habit? By identifying the challenges, you can begin to work through them to have better success in taking this action. Knowing the difference you are making, how does it make you feel?

    Evie Blomqvist's avatar
    Evie Blomqvist 12/05/2024 5:08 PM
    The habit is hard for me as I don't regularly have the need for it, I randomly just get a feeling for hot cocoa and don't bring my reusable mug on a daily basis.
    Nature Join An Outdoor Project
    How well do you know the area you stay in -- whether your hometown or your campus community? In what ways is a deep knowledge of your surroundings -- known as a 'sense of place' -- important to you?

    June Pankau's avatar
    June Pankau 12/05/2024 5:07 PM
    being outdoors is so much fun! yeah!
    Community Volunteer in my Community
    What is one thing you can do to help your community become more sustainable?

    June Pankau's avatar
    June Pankau 12/05/2024 5:07 PM
    it was required for the class, but i had a lot of fun
    Waste Skip the Straw
    How could you incorporate other "R's" -- reduce, reuse, refuse, repair, repurpose, etc. -- into your lifestyle?

    Evie Blomqvist's avatar
    Evie Blomqvist 12/05/2024 5:07 PM
    I use them a lot as I have many practises in my life for the Rs