October 1 - October 31, 2024
RIT Eco-Tigers
Rochester Institute of Technology
team impact
UP TO0.3poundsfood waste prevented
UP TO9.0whole food mealsconsumed
UP TO482pounds of CO2have been saved
UP TO263minutesnot spent in front of a screen
UP TO64minutesbeing mindful
UP TO2.0plastic containersnot sent to the landfill
UP TO2.0plastic strawsnot sent to the landfill
UP TO1.0plastic bottlenot sent to the landfill
UP TO37gallons of waterhave been saved
UP TO360minutesof additional sleep
UP TO11hoursvolunteered
UP TO2.0peoplehelped
UP TO1.0neighbormet
UP TO1.0conversationwith a person
UP TO668minutesspent outdoors
Team Feed
Recent updates from this team-
October 30 at 11:22 AMI was working outside today when a jumping spider and an ant both found their way onto the table I was at. I stopped for a few minutes just to watch them. It was a fascinating encounter to watch! (No, don't worry, the spider wasn't hungry. Nobody got eaten.)
October 29 at 8:06 AMI worked in the community garden - I saw the sunset, which was beautiful and full of bright oranges and yellows, I felt the cold dirt when I was turning the garden beds, and I smelled the soil and flowers that we left behind.
October 22 at 8:52 AMIt can help me feel more optimistic, it makes me take stock of the world around me and count my blessings, especially since it's so easy to feel negative if you're not careful.
October 15 at 7:02 AMI think it makes sense. Nature is all around us, yet people schedule time to spend time in nature (like going to a park or hiking) or even go on retreats to experience it. We're hardwired to seek out experiences in nature, but because our culture has become so divorced from nature, it's seen as something we have to find time for outside of our...
October 12 at 12:36 PMIt reminds me of the phrase "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." It's better to eat healthy and stay healthy than to eat junk and suffer the consequences.
October 2 at 4:16 PMSave it? Travel more? Maybe I'll just buy more coffee (I'll use a reusable mug, of course).
October 1 at 2:53 PMHow much sleep I get varies from night to night. I'd like to get 8 hours of sleep a night. I can work towards this by being more mindful about how late I stay up and not reaching for my phone when I wake up in the night.
October 1 at 7:12 AMI most often use single-use plastic or cardboard cups for drinks. I could use a reusable cup instead.
34 Team Members
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