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WVC Green Team Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Consider the ways you can garden: a plot of land? a patio container? hanging basket? windowsill gardens? What would work best for your living situation and lifestyle?

    dutch visser's avatar
    dutch visser 2/05/2025 5:49 PM
    I planted no herbs, but lettuce! and it finally grew to maturity!

  • Noelle Hill's avatar
    Noelle Hill 2/05/2025 5:31 PM
    I’ve been a lot more conscious about turning the lights off when I’m not in a room thanks to this challenge!

  • Noelle Hill's avatar
    Noelle Hill 2/05/2025 5:30 PM
    I saw the Great Blue Heron along with the Black Crowned Night Herons again down in Rock Island.
    The picture below is off the Great Blue Heron.
    What is one thing you can do to help your community become more sustainable?

    Jacob Gutierrez's avatar
    Jacob Gutierrez 2/05/2025 2:21 PM
    I can advocate more, and be involved in campaigns, marches, protests, committees, and many other groups to have our voices heard to inform others how to live more sustainably.
    Name some of the human activities impacting the health of water systems, both locally (your watershed) and globally (freshwater and oceans). What can you do to improve the health of water systems?

    Jacob Gutierrez's avatar
    Jacob Gutierrez 2/05/2025 2:20 PM
    A major activity is global warming. The warmth of our air melts ice caps, increases the ocean level floods into towns and gets into their freshwater and makes it too salty because of salinization. Locally though, pesticide and fertilizer run off can get into the river and pollute our water. We can try to create better fertilizers or use less of them that don't pollute our water, also we can reduce our need for water by using rain systems and such.

  • Michelle Ruiz's avatar
    Michelle Ruiz 2/04/2025 5:32 PM
    My oldest and I watched a documentary called Gather, we learned a lot about food sovereignty. It was pretty interesting to about native food and its history.

  • Micah Lee's avatar
    Micah Lee 2/04/2025 4:22 PM
    Organized all my paperwork yesterday. I had stuff from years ago that I was able to recycle. I also made a new system for paper coming in and made file folders to put things away that I wanted to keep. My desk looks so much better and I feel more capable of handling incoming paper!

  • Noelle Hill's avatar
    Noelle Hill 2/04/2025 10:41 AM
    I saw rare Black Crowned Night Herons in Rock Island! An adult was spotted before I went, but I only ended up seeing the juveniles. However, it was an exciting addition to my bird life list! I would attach a picture, but I got so excited when I saw the birds that I forgot to take one!

  • Joan Qazi's avatar
    Joan Qazi 2/01/2025 3:43 PM
    It was a beautiful day for a walk along the loop train in Wenatchee! We saw an eagle, lots of Canada geese, and plenty of dogs being walked :)

    • Noelle Hill's avatar
      Noelle Hill 2/04/2025 10:45 AM
      Hi Professor Qazi,
      Did you by chance see the large flocks of ducks in the softball fields? They're American Widgeons!

  • Noelle Hill's avatar
    Noelle Hill 1/31/2025 7:12 PM
    I went birding at Walla Walla Point Park today where I saw over five hundred ducks!
    I also saw a bunch of cool birds at my feeder today. The birds pictured below are American Goldfinches on my feeder and a Song Sparrow and House Finches on my birdbath.