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Hana Guerrero's avatar

Hana Guerrero

capstone spring 2024


  • 0 TODAY
  • 39 TOTAL

Hana's actions


Volunteer in my Community

I will volunteer 2 hour(s) in my community during the challenge.



Use Public Transit

I will use public transit 10 mile(s) each day and avoid sending up to (___) lbs of CO2 into Earth's atmosphere.



5-Minute Showers

I will save up to 20 gallons (75 L) of water each day by taking 5-minute showers.



Buy From a Farmers Market

I will purchase produce and meat from a local farmers market or food co-op.



Switch to Cold Water

I will switch to washing my clothes in cold water, saving up to 133 lbs of CO2 a month and 1,600 lbs of CO2 over the course of the next year.



Personal Waste Audit

I will collect all of my unrecyclable, non-compostable trash to raise my awareness of how much I send to the landfill.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Hana Guerrero's avatar
    Hana Guerrero 5/17/2024 3:45 PM
    Whoops, I did these backwards. I did transportation last week and so I will do community this week!
    What I have done is volunteer at two places: the PSU Food Pantry and Hygiene 4 All. The food pantry is self-explanatory; resembling a grocery store, it provides produce and packaged goods to the Portland State community. Hygiene 4 All is a group that focuses on the needs of our unhoused neighbors. What I do is sort donations to be transported over to the hub, making sure that all desired items are available. Serving my community in these ways makes a difference not just to the people helped by these organizations but also to my life, making me feel as though I am part of a greater whole and encouraging me to take advantage of resources there to be used in the first place.

    • Amy Minato's avatar
      Amy Minato 5/19/2024 3:17 PM
      thanks for the info on Hygiene 4! Where is it located?

  • Hana Guerrero's avatar
    Hana Guerrero 5/13/2024 4:33 PM
    I wasn't really sure what to do for this activity since I don't have a car anyway. So, I will just explain my weekly schedule. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I transit down to Tigard and back for work. Tuesdays and Thursdays, I carpool with my partner to campus. Sundays I transit across the river for volunteering. I really don't know how I could improve my transportation usage.

    • Elizabeth Naze's avatar
      Elizabeth Naze 5/15/2024 11:48 PM
      Hey Hana! This was basically my life before I had a car too. I would bus to work and school everyday. I would sometimes get a ride to work which was nice but mostly I relied on public transportation. I can't say I miss it now. I'm sure you have some crazy stories from riding the bus like most of us do.

    • Amy Minato's avatar
      Amy Minato 5/15/2024 6:26 PM
      good for you! do you have ideas about how to improve mass transit in portland?

  • Hana Guerrero's avatar
    Hana Guerrero 5/05/2024 5:19 PM
    This week my task was to take only 5-minute showers. At the beginning of the week, I timed my shower and it was around 15 minutes. So, how to get faster? I decided to turn the water off every time I put things in my hair (i put... a lot of things in my hair) and that cut down on my water-wasting time by 8 minutes. Then it was just a matter of not spending my time basking in the warmth of the shower (darn), and I was able to get out in 5 minutes! This exercise made it evident how much water we waste every day, and how even little changes make a big difference when it comes to saving water.

    • Amy Minato's avatar
      Amy Minato 5/06/2024 5:38 PM
      impressive going from 15 to 5 minute showers!

    • Jan Semerak's avatar
      Jan Semerak 5/05/2024 7:32 PM
      Hey Hana, great idea with turning the water off while you work on your hair. Every little bit counts!

  • Hana Guerrero's avatar
    Hana Guerrero 4/28/2024 6:09 PM
    For my activity this week, my goal was to get all my meals, for one day, from the PSU farmers' market. I did this in order to support local food chains and think about where I get my food. I was successfully able to eat my breakfast at the market, but I was unable to find everything I needed to make a stir-fry for dinner. I got some baby bok choy, an onion, some green onion, and a base for my sauce.
    I had to get carrots, baby corn, and noodles at the store. I went to New Seasons, which is at least a local chain and a B corporation.
    I really wish I had been able to find more things at the farmers' market, especially since it's the largest in all of Oregon. Perhaps if I had made pasta or a soup I could have found more things.
    Later that day, my partner and myself went to the Portland Night Market, where we were able to eat locally made desserts.
    This little project made me think of how difficult it is nowadays to get all of one's food from a local source, which is unfortunate since it's so much better for humans and the planet.

    • Amy Minato's avatar
      Amy Minato 4/29/2024 10:23 AM
      I love Portland Night Market! I think the key is to find ingredients at the market, then build a meal from them.

    • Karin Karam's avatar
      Karin Karam 4/28/2024 6:44 PM
      That's a very good idea! you inspired me to visit the PSU farmer's market :)

  • Hana Guerrero's avatar
    Hana Guerrero 4/21/2024 6:46 PM
    This week, I washed and dried my clothing on the coldest setting, in order to save energy heating them up. This was not difficult but it did take much longer for my clothing to dry. Nevertheless, I think I will continue with this activity because it saves up to 133 lbs of CO2 a month and 1,600 lbs of CO2 over the course of the next year. I will just have to make sure I do my laundry at times when I have nothing else going on.

    • Amy Minato's avatar
      Amy Minato 4/22/2024 3:23 PM
      with the weather heating up you might consider getting a clothing rack (if you have an outdoor space) they only take up a small space

  • Hana Guerrero's avatar
    Hana Guerrero 4/14/2024 6:43 PM

    See comment section for explanation.

    • Amy Minato's avatar
      Amy Minato 4/15/2024 6:22 PM
      Hana I recently bought a metal tooth cleaner which i love. you might want to look into an apartment composter? do you have any neighbors with a garden?

    • Hana Guerrero's avatar
      Hana Guerrero 4/14/2024 7:16 PM
      Okay! The image might not be loading on the front page, but if you're reading this you're on my page and should be able to see my table. As you can see, I did a waste audit! For the few days before this assignment was due, I wrote down everything I threw in a trash can. I did this to get a feel for: how much I throw away, and: what those things are. This was challenging because every time I threw something away, I felt like I was failing at being sustainable; and in a way that's true. That said, I did also learn what changes I could be making! For example, when going to coffee shops, I should bring my own mug. I should look up and order some biodegradable dental floss, and ask for no straws when ordering drinks. Instead of plastic wrap, I should use reusable containers. Some things I won't be able to change: I have no place to compost, and some things I buy will simply never be fully recyclable. Being that as it is, this exercise has made it such that every time I buy or pick up something- anything- there is a small voice in the back of my head asking me "but does it recycle?" It may seem as though a simple list could not do much, but recording every bit of waste produced by my consumerism has been a humbling and informational journey that I will continue, at least in my head, into perpetuity.