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Sofia Membreno's avatar

Sofia Membreno

YCP Spring 2024


  • 0 TODAY
  • 331 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    not spent in front of a screen
  • UP TO
    plastic bottles
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
    plastic containers
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
    plastic straws
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
    gallons of water
    have been saved
  • UP TO
    more servings
    of fruits and vegetables

Sofia's actions


Use Reusable Bottles

I will use a reusable bottle and stop purchasing bottled water, saving 4 disposable plastic bottle(s) a day.



Brush My Teeth Without Running Water

I will save up to 8 gallons (30 L) of water each day by turning it off while brushing my teeth.



Use Reusable Bags

If at all possible, I will not accept any disposable bags when making purchases.



Limit Social Media

I will limit my social media use to once each day reducing my daily use by 60 minute(s)



Use a Reusable Water Bottle

I will keep 4 disposable plastic bottle(s) from entering the waste stream by using a reusable water bottle.




I will write down three things every day that I am grateful for, or send one email every day thanking or praising someone.



More Fruits and Veggies

I will eat a heart healthy diet by adding 2 cup(s) of fruits and vegetables each day to achieve at least 4 cups per day.



Work-Life Balance

I will not work more than 8 hour days each day to practice work-life balance.



Less Screen Time

I will replace 30 minute(s) of screen time each day with other activities.



Skip the Straw

Plastic bags and small plastic pieces like straws are most likely to get swept into our waterways. I will keep 2 plastic straw(s) out of the landfill and ocean each day by refusing straws or using my own glass/metal straw.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Water Use Reusable Bottles
    What are some of the needs that water meets or benefits that water provides for you?

    Sofia Membreno's avatar
    Sofia Membreno 4/21/2024 5:01 PM
    Some of the needs that water meets is hydration, health, and nutrition. Some of the benefits that water provides me primarily revolves around my skin health. Since drinking more water I find my skin is a lot more clear and over all more healthy.
    Water Brush My Teeth Without Running Water
    What is the main water source in your region? If you don't know, how could you find out?

    Sofia Membreno's avatar
    Sofia Membreno 4/21/2024 4:55 PM
    The main water source in my region of York Pa is the South Branch Codorus and East Branch Codorus watersheds. I was not aware of this before but I was able to find out by investigating using the web.
    Waste Use a Reusable Water Bottle
    While water bottles are needed for health and safety in certain places, we can do more to reduce the unnecessary use of them. What are the barriers to you using reusable bottles and tap water instead of bottled water? How could you make this a permanent habit?

    Sofia Membreno's avatar
    Sofia Membreno 4/21/2024 4:53 PM
    The barriers to using reusable bottles and tap water instead of bottled water is convenience and the idea of quality. Bottled water is more accessible in public places such as school and work, making it the easier option. Additionally is is perceived that the quality of bottled water to better compared to tap water, and making it seem like a better alternative. However, I can make this a permeant habit by investing in a reusable water. The idea of being able to purchase a reusable water bottle that fits me in regards to design or color makes me more prone to using it. Also investing in a reusable water bottle allows me to set goals for my daily water intake.
    Waste Use Reusable Bags
    What do you do if you find yourself in the situation of needing a bag for items but don't have a reusable one with you or aren't allowed to use the one you brought? Carry things out in your hands? In a cart? Accept a disposable one? If you find yourself in this position often, what system could you put in place to try to create a successful habit of not using plastic bags?

    Sofia Membreno's avatar
    Sofia Membreno 4/21/2024 4:43 PM
    If I find myself in the situation of needing a bag for items but I don't have a reusable one, I often opt for using a cart to carry my items to my car. The carts are already provided and it makes for great transportation of my items. Using a cart is quick and easy and allows me to get extra steps in for the day when I walk the cart back to its designated place. In order to create a successful habit of not using plastic bags I like to maintain my car with at least two reusable bags. By doing so, in the event that I did not plan on needing a bag, I have one just incase. This will allow me to use less plastic bags.
    Waste Skip the Straw
    How could you incorporate other "R's" -- reduce, reuse, refuse, repair, repurpose, etc. -- into your lifestyle?

    Sofia Membreno's avatar
    Sofia Membreno 4/21/2024 4:38 PM
    I could incorporate the other "R's" into my lifestyle in many different ways. The first way could be by buying in bulk to reduce packaging waste. As a big family, we tend to by foods for specific family members but by finding a cereal we all like we can buy it in bulk and minimize the waste of packaging. A second way is by repurposing clothes. A a girl who loves fashion and trends I tend to give in and purchase new clothes frequently. However, I am able to sew and use old clothing pieces and give them a new life.
    Simplicity Less Screen Time
    What did you notice in implementing this challenge? Was it hard to choose other activities over screen time? How did you decide to spend your time?

    Sofia Membreno's avatar
    Sofia Membreno 4/21/2024 4:16 PM
    In implementing this challenge, I notices I contribute more to what is around me. It was a bit difficult to choose other activities over screen time, especially when my school work is to be done via my laptop. Growing up with technology present, I found I have built unhealthy habits surrounding my devices. With my spare time, I decided to start reading and spend time with my family and friends. I have always loved to read romance book but have steered away from actively doing it. A few months ago I started reading Twisted Love by: Ana Huang, and I decided to finish it throughout the past few days. I love the idea of taking time away from reality in a different way other than devices and being interested in someone else's story. I will be continuing to make time to read and explore new genres. Additionally, I spent time with family and friends. I felt more involved with the lives of the people around me and I felt that I became happier in doing so. Although I love my family and friends, these past couple of days have made me realize I don't spend enough time with them as I should without the involvement of screens.
    Simplicity Limit Social Media
    Social media can keep us connected with loved ones, make us laugh, and help us to learn new things. It can also create echo chambers and take more time than we realize or intend to give. After completing this action for a few days, how do you feel? What do you notice?

    Sofia Membreno's avatar
    Sofia Membreno 4/21/2024 4:06 PM
    After completing this action for a few days, I feel that my mental health has improved. While social media provides many benefits, it also provides me with a false reality when it comes to lifestyles and appearance. Ive noticed I feel a better with myself and the life I live. I have also found that with less social media I tend to compare myself to others less.
    Simplicity Work-Life Balance
    How might practicing work-life balance lead to a more sustainable life for yourself? How might it contribute to sustainability more broadly?

    Sofia Membreno's avatar
    Sofia Membreno 4/21/2024 4:01 PM
    In my experience, practicing a work-life balance decreases stress and improves my overall wellbeing. This continues to sustainability because it fosters beneficial long-term habits both in and out of the workplace.
    Health More Fruits and Veggies
    How does eating more fruits and vegetables and less meat positively affect yourself, other people, and our planet?

    Sofia Membreno's avatar
    Sofia Membreno 4/17/2024 10:10 AM
    Eating more fruits and vegetables and less meat positively affected me. As I started to implement more fruits and vegetables into my diet, I felt my body was able to process them better than meats and my over all digestive system was improving. The benefits I was receiving, encouraged me to share with others. Some of my close friends decided to join me, and their digestive system also improved. By eating more fruits and vegetables I was also using less energy and water. This minimizes the environmental impacts compared to eating a more meat based diet.
    Health Happiness
    How does/can practicing gratitude keep you centered and motivated to work for a better world?

    Sofia Membreno's avatar
    Sofia Membreno 4/17/2024 10:01 AM
    Practicing gratitude keeps me centered and motivated to work for a better world by highlighting the small joys to life. Writing about things that I am grateful for allows me to focus more on the positive rather than negative and motivates me to contribute to making the environment more positive and lively.