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Dominique Lund's avatar

Dominique Lund

Community Team


  • 0 TODAY
  • 277 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    food waste prevented
  • UP TO
    pounds of CO2
    have been saved
  • UP TO
    plastic containers
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
    plastic bottles
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
    gallons of water
    have been saved
  • UP TO
    more servings
    of fruits and vegetables
  • UP TO
  • UP TO
    spent learning

Dominique's actions


Replace Manual Thermostats

I will replace manual thermostats with programmable ones.



Meet My Neighbors

I will meet 1 new neighbor(s) each day.



Online Energy Audit

I will complete an online energy audit of my home, office, or dorm room and identify my next steps for saving energy.



Choose a Carbon Offset

If buying a plane ticket, I will also buy a carbon offset.



Drive Less

I will cut my car trip mileage by only taking necessary trips.



Use Public Transit

I will use public transit 5 mile(s) each day and avoid sending up to (___) lbs of CO2 into Earth's atmosphere.



Improve a Bus Stop

I will improve a bus stop in my neighborhood by posting the stop schedule, adding seating or shelter, adding art or flowers, picking up litter, or some other small improvement.



Exercise Daily

Exercise is a great stress blaster! I will exercise for 15 minute(s) each day.



Support Pollution Reduction

I will spend at least 15 minutes learning about water and air quality issues in my area, how they are impacting human and environmental health, and how I can help.



More Fruits and Veggies

I will eat a heart healthy diet by adding 2 cup(s) of fruits and vegetables each day to achieve at least 4 cups per day.



Audit Toxic Cleaning Products

I will spend 15 minutes researching toxic chemicals found in cleaning supplies and personal care products and remove them from my home or dorm room.



Plant an Herb Garden

I will plant an herb garden in my home, workplace, or dorm room.



Smart Seafood Choices

I will visit or download the app and commit to making better seafood choices for a healthier ocean.



Weekly Meal Planning

I will reduce food waste and save money by planning a weekly menu, only buying the ingredients I need.



Find Local Recycling Depots

I will find out where to recycle the recyclable items that I can't put in recycling dumpsters or my curbside bin.



Learn About & Practice Sustainable Fashion

I will learn about sustainable fashion and begin trying to practice it in my own life.



Use Reusable Bags

If at all possible, I will not accept any disposable bags when making purchases.



Use a Reusable Water Bottle

I will keep 1 disposable plastic bottle(s) from entering the waste stream by using a reusable water bottle.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Transportation Drive Less
    How has your access to various kinds of transportation throughout your life influenced your current attitudes about transportation and your transportation behavior?

    Dominique Lund's avatar
    Dominique Lund 11/19/2023 10:05 PM
    This week I was the most successful using public transportation since I started. After parking my car at my dad's house on Monday, I have only used transit, walking, and a couple rides to get everywhere I needed to go. The benefits have been a much more relaxing commute, since I can sit and listen to music or read the news on my phone while the bus driver or train operator does the driving. I can also tell I've really reduced my gas consumption in my own vehicle. Before I started using transit, I already would have filled up my tank almost twice already. At this point, I have used less than half a tank of gas, which is about a 75% reduction. This has been a huge money saver. It has also felt really good to know my actions are contributing to the changes I want to see in our individualist consumer culture in order to be more sustainable and save the planet.
    However, there have also been drawbacks. The main one is the amount of time I've spent commuting. On Thursday, I spent four hours of my day either in transit or waiting for my bus, and I only went to three different locations. Not everyone has this much time, and it's definitely been a strain on my time management since I have a lot to get done every day of the week. Hopefully if ridership increases TriMet will be able to offer more frequent service which would reduce wait times and total time commuting.

    • Ashton Livingston's avatar
      Ashton Livingston 11/20/2023 11:11 AM
      Public transit can be extremely stressful on time management I 100% agree. I think the city has some of the best public transit out there, but it can definitely be better. The city needs to keep emphasizing its public transit and improving it for sure
    Transportation Choose a Carbon Offset
    A round-trip flight from New York City to Los Angeles emits just over 1.5 tons of CO2—per person. That’s a lot of carbon! What can you do to reduce the number of flights you take per year?

    Dominique Lund's avatar
    Dominique Lund 11/05/2023 9:02 PM
    Last week, I took a weekend trip to Atlanta, Georgia to see my mother and my sister, who both live there. I have my father and his side of the family here in Portland, my mother and sister in Atlanta, and the rest of my mothers side in Chicago. Unfortunately this means that some amount of air travel is built into my year in order to see my family, and it's out of my control that they are spread across the country. I calculated the amount of CO2 my flight produced, and it ended up being 1279kg. What helped to conceptualize this for me was the comparison to the total CO2 output of the average person in Ethiopia over an entire year, which was only 560kg, which less than half. This made me feel guilty, because it's so clear that I'm doing way more than my fare share of the damage to the planet, while people near the equator and in developing economies will suffer from climate change the most.

    Atmosfair is a really great resource I found for offsetting personal carbon emissions from air travel. You put in the airports you flew to and from, and it calculates how much carbon you produced as well as asking you donate an amount to offset that amount of carbon through green energy initiatives. I like atmosfair because they provide these offsets by building green renewable power infrastructure in communities that do not yet have electricity or have limited access. This ensures that these households which are new consumers of electricity and other sources of power will come into it already using renewable energy. I like this strategy because it promotes energy justice by using the money I donate to bring electricity to underserved populations while also making sure these people have access to green energy from day one. Overall I paid about $34 for my offset which seems like a really cheap price to pay for the amount of CO2 my flight produced. I will definitely use this site again in the future whenever I use air travel to see my family! I suggest everyone check it out, it was pretty easy to use!

    • Dylan Broten's avatar
      Dylan Broten 11/05/2023 11:23 PM
      Air Travel is definitely something that commonly contributes to pollution. But I think it's also a core part of our world and not something that can just be avoided. Thank you for showing Atmosfair, I think it is an interesting idea!
    Health More Fruits and Veggies
    How does eating more fruits and vegetables and less meat positively affect yourself, other people, and our planet?

    Dominique Lund's avatar
    Dominique Lund 11/05/2023 8:30 PM
    While I really like eating fruits, I'm not good at buying and eating vegetables. They often go bad in my refrigerator before I get to them. Last week I tried eating two cups of vegetables and two cups of fruits each day. It actually was pretty successful and didn't feel like a chore. One thing that helped me was to buy several frozen vegetables, such as broccoli, carrots, and brussels sprouts. I baked or pan fried these and seasoned them to my liking. I then portioned them out and refrigerated the portions so I could use them for the rest of the week. Meal planning was also a really big help. It allowed me to know what vegetables I would need for the week before going grocery shopping, which reduced my food waste. Last week I made garlic butter asparagus, roasted sweet potato, lemon pepper broccoli, and broiled brussels sprouts. All of these dishes were really good! One thing that I've already gained from this class and doing ecochallenges is that I've learned that to cook good fresh food for myself rather than assuming I'm not able to and buying it from the deli or a restaurant.

    • John Equihua's avatar
      John Equihua 11/05/2023 9:56 PM
      I feel you on the vegetables, I also struggle quite a bit on that front. I'm curious on the seasonings that you use! More often than not I keep vegetables as a side, typically things like steamed broccoli or carrots so I feel like I limit myself on what a veggie dish could look like. I think I should take inspiration on your work and try cooking veggie dishes myself! I know my mom has some recipes I could try out myself.
    Community Meet My Neighbors
    In what ways can you create more real and meaningful interactions with friends — or strangers — each week?

    Dominique Lund's avatar
    Dominique Lund 11/05/2023 8:11 PM
    This week I formally introduced myself to my new neighbor across the hall from me at my apartment. I had seen him as I left my apartment, but I hadn't asked for his name or anything more than that in the two months since I moved in. In my previous apartment, I knew one neighbor well, and disliked a few others who I tried to keep away from. Looking back, I feel that I felt less safe in my previous building because if there was ever an emergency I would feel pretty alone. It is important to know your neighbors because we never know when disaster might strike in the form of a big storm or another pandemic. It is in these times when knowing your neighbors really makes a difference. One part of living in Portland is preparing your household for the Cascadia megaquake which is expected in the next 50-100 years. I live in an old building that will almost certainly be destroyed in the earthquake. If and when this happens, no one will come to anyone's rescue. We must rely on those around us for help and support. One way I can create more meaningful connections to my new neighbor and others is to use my new cooking skills to bake cookies or banana bread and offer them some. Hopefully I can then get to know them on a more personal basis and learn how they are involved with the community.

  • Dominique Lund's avatar
    Dominique Lund 10/15/2023 3:49 PM
    This week I decided to meal plan for the whole week and only buy groceries I needed for those meals, and only within a couple days of making it. I did this in hopes of reducing my waste of produce and perishables by having a plan of how and when I'm cooking it before I buy it. My meal planning was very successful and I was actually able to stick to it. I also saved a lot of money at the grocery store and haven't had to throw anything away. My refrigerator is emptier because I plan for when I'll eat leftovers, and I don't have produce waiting to be used. One resource that was really helpful was the campus food pantry. I stop by before or after class to get small quantities of produce and milk which I then don't have to worry about buying at the grocery store. I plan on continuing to meal plan because it's saved me time and money, and also made cooking more fun and manageable.

    • Dylan Broten's avatar
      Dylan Broten 10/15/2023 5:05 PM
      I think meal planning is probably really god, not just for saving waste but for eating healthier. I wonder how manageable you felt this was, and if you think you would continue doing it. I think the hard thing could be spontaneous decisions, I make a lot of spontaneous visits to eat out throughout the week. However this idea is very interesting, and It looks like you did a great job!
    Waste Find Local Recycling Depots
    Our ability to recycle certain things ebbs and flows based upon many factors, including market demand for recyclables. Luckily there are places that accept uncommon things to recycle or dispose of in a less harmful way. What did you find when looking for places to recycle items that can't be recycled in your curbside bin?

    Dominique Lund's avatar
    Dominique Lund 10/08/2023 12:33 PM
    I found out that the local indoor skatepark (Stronger in Milwuakie) collects old skate wheels so that they can be picked up or recycled.

  • Dominique Lund's avatar
    Dominique Lund 10/08/2023 12:31 PM
    Yesterday I took the bus out to the indoor skatepark where I accidentally left my reusable water bottle. While I was there, I asked where I could recycle my skate wheels when I get new ones. The staff said I could bring them there, and they will be picked up and recycled or made into new wheels. On my way back home I researched how new skate wheels are made and discovered that it's something you can do yourself with the right materials. Now I want to learn how to make new wheels out of old ones, and hopefully I can try it out this term. I'm excited to see how it goes!