December 10, 2024 - March 17, 2025
Portland State University
team impact
UP TO4.0whole food mealsconsumed
UP TO50meatless or vegan mealsconsumed
UP TO1.0zero-waste mealconsumed
UP TO5.0locally sourced mealsconsumed
UP TO6.6poundsfood waste prevented
UP TO1.0organic mealconsumed
UP TO3.0milestraveled by foot
UP TO3.0milesnot traveled by car
UP TO31pounds of CO2have been saved
UP TO180minutesnot spent in front of a screen
UP TO46minutesbeing mindful
UP TO8.0plastic strawsnot sent to the landfill
UP TO5.0disposable cupsnot sent to the landfill
UP TO2.1poundswaste composted
UP TO28plastic bottlesnot sent to the landfill
UP TO21plastic containersnot sent to the landfill
UP TO392gallons of waterhave been saved
UP TO2,659minutesspent exercising
UP TO0.0peoplehelped
UP TO634minutesspent outdoors
UP TO155minutesspent learning
Team Feed
Recent updates from this team-
March 12 at 10:23 PMThis week I chose to exercise like some of my other classmates, due to this beautiful weather we were having! I hiked around Mount Vista with my partner, where we walked the WSU trail through Salmon Creek. While I didn't see any wildlife other than wild rabbits this time around, once we saw two young bucks only about 20 feet away form us. They...
March 10 at 9:30 AMThis week I chose to up my exercise. I went on a couple of hikes last week, including the hobbit trail in Florence. I went with some friends that I hadn't seen in a while. It felt great to catch up with them, but the next day definitely showed me just how out of shape I was. I think I will try to keep up a bi weekly hike for the rest of this...
March 9 at 7:52 PMThis week I focused on something from the simplicities actions, I chose to declutter. I am moving in the next few months and it is too expensive to bring everything with me, so I thought this is the perfect excuse to really go through all of my things. I found that I keep way to many things because they are "sentimental" to me, when...
March 9 at 6:27 PMThis week, I’ve been thinking more about my Eco-Change project and how I want to approach it. Making meals and baked goods from scratch has been fulfilling on many levels, so I decided to expand on that experience. I want to dive deeper into using all-natural, eco-friendly, and organic products, and a great way to do this is by making my own...
March 9 at 5:58 PMUnfortunately, these past few weeks I have been extremely occupied with work for various classes, and I haven't felt I had the time or energy to participate in an Ecochallenge. I'm aware there are options for lowkey nature Ecochallenges, such as gratitude journaling or just spending some time outside, but I've honestly been so tired and...
March 8 at 11:19 PM#8 NATURE This week I started walking around the neighborhood to get ready for the Tryon Creek hike and this eco-challenge. The walks were a little harrowing because there aren’t many sidewalks in my neck of the wood but, but because driving isn’t my cup of tea, I just keep on keeping on. I came back so refreshed that my partner started...
March 8 at 9:23 PMFor this week's Eco Challenge, I decided to exercise daily for the week. I did 30 minutes of cardio every day this week, including running inside on the treadmill or outside when it wasn't raining. I choose to do the daily exercise because of the benefits I had from my last Eco Challenge, from walking my dog in nature daily. Along with getting...
March 7 at 2:46 PMThis week, I started spring cleaning. Since material things consume energy, I have been decluttering mindfully. I don’t go to a full Marie Kondo level, but I like to check in with each item and ask how I resonate with it. I’ve noticed that I tend to hold onto things I no longer use, hoping to need them again someday. I save clothes with this...
March 7 at 1:48 PMFor the past two weeks, I have shifted my way of transportation and traveled by foot to campus. It’s a 1.5-hour commute, but I spaced it out to walking to school one day and then home the next. It definitely was a time commitment, but I mostly did it to exercise and save money on a bus ride. I don’t feel it is sustainable over time because it...
March 6 at 11:09 PMFor this week's challenge, I opted to go with less screen time, replacing at least two hours a day with other ways to spend my time. I have a bad habit of going on social media in my free time. I always end up staying online for much longer than I initially intended. Instead of going on social media, I decided to journal and go on walks. Since...
19 Team Members
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